A person can only have so much leftover turkey...
(or ham, if that's your Thanksgiving thing!)
With Salami, shredded cheese, & fresh lettuce?
Toss a couple of pickles on the top for good measure,
and Viola!
A delish, tastes-like-you-are-dining-out, sandwich, made at home!
As we close out the year, and look ahead to 2016...
Eating at home and bringing our lunches to work is moving up the priority list...
(again! GAH!)
Hormel Foods makes that easier with Natural Choice Products:
Hard Salami
Honey Deli Turkey
Deli Roast Beef
Canadian Bacon and so much more....
What is your go to bring it for lunch thing?

*** As a Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger - I am occasionally given complimentary Hormel products or coupons to off set the price of purchasing products. I am not otherwise compensated for this post. ***
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