A fun treat on weekend mornings, when we have time to prepare a well-thought out breakfast...
Who doesn't love bacon?
I generally throw it on the Forman Grill -
But, I've seen enough posts about bakin' bacon, to pique my interest...
So...I tried it.
I put tin foil down over a cookie sheet, with an edge on it...
And let it be...
Well, let it be at 400 degrees, for about 20 minutes...
The result?
Perfectly crisp, delish baked bacon!
Honest to God you guys!
Why didn't I do this before?
Do you cook your bacon this way?
Game changer!
I am honestly looking forward to utilizing this before an upcoming camping trip!
Make it all ahead of time like this, at home...then, put it in a ziplock freezer bag to take with us!
No splatter mess in my kitchen...no prominent greasy smell...
GREAT taste, flavor, texture!
Also, side note...
I found during my recent bacon purchases...that the Cub Foods carries it for $3.00 higher per package than the Target across the street!
Who knew?
Now I do, and you do too!
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*** As a Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger, I am occasionally given Hormel Foods Products to try or coupons for products in order to facilitate blog posts. ***
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