A lot of nights around here I find myself wondering...
What's for dinner?
Don't we all?
It's also a question for breakfast, and lunch.
We aren't alone, are we?
When I'm in a pinch, a pot of noodles works for everyone in the house -
they make great leftovers too.
I know, right?
But you can easily jazz them up with no time or trouble at all.
A little olive oil, a few peas, and a few shakes of, my favorite -
What would you do with Real Bacon Pieces from Hormel?
There are so many amazing recipes to add this to!
Deviled Eggs sprinkled with BAC.........
Party FAV!
the other classic stand by
I just love things that make life easy, don't you?
For coupons for real bacon bits and other Hormel favorites -
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*** As a Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger, I am occasionally sent coupons for products or products themselves in order to facilitate a blog post like this one. ***
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