Before and After - Cutting Burning Bush in Minnesota

Sunday, March 22, 2015

One thing that I love about blogging - is the ability to see things that I have long since forgotten - 
I take hundreds of thousands of pictures, and putting them out here on this blog enables me to quickly and easily find things back again.

Just last night I got stuck looking at pictures of the kids and their friends from three years ago.
It seems like a LIFE TIME ago, yet, like just last week.

How does that happen?

Anyhoo - 
Not too long ago I uncovered a photo that inadvertently caught the burning bush next to our front door. It was only about 2 feet high, and looked so so much better than the scraggly thing we now have right outside our front steps.

A quick search of google and some 70 degree temps had us feeling ambitiuos, 
so we decided to tackle that burning bush.

Tackle, as in...

I really, REALLY hope we don't regret cutting this Burning Bush down to the ground.

I guess we'll know soon enough if we did the right thing?

Already it looks SO. MUCH. BETTER!

I love the look of the Burning Bush.
Will it grow back?
Have you ever cut one of these down to nothing?

Time will tell, I suppose.
(After the 10 inches of snow we got last night, AFTER cutting this down last week, melts!)
Stay tuned!

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