With a random Friday off from school for semester end, or whatever it is they want to call it -
What better way to spend a cold winter day than with a daytime staycation at the Water Park of America?
There were people there, including some friends from school we just so happened to run into,
but for the most part, we had the whole place to ourselves!
It was a great time for D to try his hand at surfing again!
man, this is so much harder than it looks -
I'll take his word for it...I'm too old for these shananigans now!
We love taking in the life guard show (offs!) during the safety breaks...
man, are they good!
The cleaning and scrubbing can wait til tomorrow, for babies grow up, much to our sorrow...
I simply cannot believe how quickly the time is passing me by.
I love spending these random moments together, creating memories.
I shudder to think how quickly time moves and soon, they'll be doing their own thing on their random days off, and being with Mom won't be quite as cool as it is now.
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