Our mighty Mites and their friends and family were lucky enough to secure some ice time at the coolest rink in town -
The Xcel Energy Center.
They had a blast...but I'm not sure they really realized just how special it was.
The giant empty arena didn't feel all that real to them, I don't think.
It's a heckuva lot different than it is when it's full of 20,000 people watching the Minnesota Wild!
But they had some super fun!
We brought along some friends who hadn't done this before...
but quickly got the hang of it.
Best friends & their boys.
These two, chummin it up in the penalty box.
Herding cats, anyone?
Someday, maybe even soon, the age different between these two might become too much.
But for now, there isn't much sweeter than seeing this.
I guess it's the next best thing to having a sister.
One who goes home to her own house each night?
Even still...
only four of them...
Herding cats, anyone?
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