Well, I thought we were done with birthday parties, specifically HOME birthday parties, because we simply do. not. have. the. space...
But...when we had such an awesome 9th birthday party for big sister a couple of months back...
We knew we should do the same for him.
They are practically twins, after all.
for the big 8...
Eight? Really?
How DID it get so late so soon!!
We invited a few buddies over...
and while D knows his way around the kitchen better than I do,
and probably would've loved a cake party...
We went with construction...
These were $20 each, on clearance for $12.
You pay easily that and more, to go to one of those party places that every weekend seems to find us at...celebrating this kid and that one, so this was a super fun, unique idea for us!
The boys got right to work...
thank God for amazing husbands & their best friends, who supervised all the tool usage!
These kids were so stinkin' adorable, working so hard on their projects!
Teamwork wins.
Every. Time!
We had three different kits to choose from -
Had their been any airplanes, which looked really cool, I'd of gotten all the same thing - those...
However, I got a variety, and let the boys choose.
Everyone but one chose the monster truck.
Didn't they turn out soo great!
Happy Birthday Big D!
We love you forever, we love you for always.
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