It's winter in Minnesota..............
Love it or leave it...
Or...just embrace it?
While we are no strangers to the backyard extreme winter sports -
We've not had a chance yet, to actually do the real winter snow hills.
Until now!
We headed over to the local ski hill...
Seeing Redtail Ridge on the list of runs!
It's bound to be a great day, no?
So, the kids partook in some official snowboarding lessons!
They aren't cheap, by any stretch of the imagination,
but we thought it was important that they have a real, official lesson,
if this is something they want to pursue, on winter days ahead.
Having done it this way, I sort of wish we'd of done a ski lesson first - but, hey.
You live and you learn, right?
And learn, they did!
They rocked it...they did great!
But it is harder than it looks!
They had a great day, and a great lesson though!
And then it was nightfall, but who wants to be the buzzkill that says it's time to go home?
Besides that, they were really getting their money out of their all day lift ticket!
Hurray for that!
It was a great day, a great experience.
They both want to give it another go...
Now to decide how much to invest in this extra curricular...
Board, boots, bindings...helmet, goggles, lift tickets....
Winter isn't cheap around here!
But it can be fun, if you give it a chance!
& at the end of the day, happy, albeit, exhausted children........
It's worth it.
All of it.
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