This summer found us knee deep in both softball and baseball...
To celebrate a great season with a great group of (seven and eight year old) young men and their families, we were able to participate in the Saints Baseball, Field of Dreams Experience.
We had to schedule it a few weeks in advance, and we could not have ordered a more perfect day, weather wise, if we had tried! It was simply amazing.
We started off with a potluck tailgate party in the parking lot of Midway Stadium.
And I think it's safe to say the boys had a great time!
The Saints Entertainment Crew came around with the SAY CHEESE frame, and snapped the kids' pictures, which we would later see on their Facebook page!
Have you ever herded cats?
Seven and Eight Year old Boys???
They kept busy tossing balls along the grass patch near the railroad tracks.
#lasttrain to Midway!
And hung around the parking lot like a bunch of college aged boys.
Group Photo?
A quick pit stop after tailgating...
and we headed inside Midway Stadium for the real fun!
The boys, their head coach, and myself, the unofficial team photographer, were escorted onto the field...
and their biggest fans watched from the stands.
They played some catch...
They hit some balls..
You ever try and herd cats?
Seven and Eight Year old Boys???
From the outfield, we headed to the infield, to take the outfield.
Some of the Saints players were more engaging than others ~
But I think they all know how impressionable they are on our young players.
Honestly, this little guy lives for playing Catcher.
Having him stand out on home plate for the National Anthem?
It was SUCH a gorgeous night.
Honest to God, you could not replicate the beauty that was this night.
Straight from the camera, no photoshop!
We hung out in the stands, and had a blast, bonding with teammates and
friends, creating memories that are sure to last a lifetime!
After the game, the Saints put on a pretty cool fireworks show.
And we let the boys tailgate just a little bit longer while traffic cleared out.
Cats? Squirrels? Children?
It gets long, the baseball season, when you are running from here to there to everywhere, but this, like all of our seasons, actually fly by quicker than we realize.
I need to slow down and enjoy the moments, all of them,
not just these super fun ones that this evening provided.
I'm grateful for it.
All of it.

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