September finds us back into the swing of things with school...
and weeknights busy with all of the usual suspects, plus a little more.
and by a little more, I mean, well, a lot...
go big or go home right?
I knew being without quick and easy access to our grill right off our kitchen would be annoying -
but, I didn't realize just how much I'd miss it.
Turns out we grill a lot at our house.
One of my favorite quick and easy go to grillers?
Good thing these also cook up great in the oven.
Enjoy the perfect original flavor or add your own special seasoning.
Dress up your pork with this delicious breaded variety.
With a side of grilled veggies or potatoes on the side - the Hormel Pork Loins make a great, healthy dinner.
Leftovers are great for work the next day, which is always a bonus.
Have you tried these?
Do you have a favorite Hormel Pork Filet?
Mine is the Peppercorn...Slice it up and put it on buns for a sandwich...
Perfect lunch at your desk meal, if there is such a thing!
Now, if we can just get that grilling area put back together -
I'd be in business!

*** As a Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger I am occasionally given coupons or Hormel products to facilitate conversations. I am not otherwise compensated for this post. ***
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