Busy living life, running here, running there...
I was thinking, that I haven't been documenting life as much, which means I'm not converting the everyday photos to this here blog...
but tonight when I decided to do a photo dump of the many devices I use...(cell phone(s), point and shoot camera, dSLR camera...)
it turns out I am still capturing...
I'm just not taking the time to put it together..especially not in blog post form.
That really sucks, because then I can't put it in blog to book form...which I love love love to do...even if I am three and a half years behind!
I found sone family snapshots tonight, finally released from the throes of the phone...
Especially this last one...because if that doesn't sum our life up...
well then...
I don't know what does?!?
ah how I love this life of mine.
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