When the first blue and yellow cans came off the production line in 1937, introduced by Hormel Foods, the world was forever changed. No one would have guessed back then, but the revolutionary new product became a war hero, a pop culture icon and an American institution.
Over the years, the SPAM® Family of Products has made itself known around the world, winning over the hearts of soldiers, world leaders, chefs, kids and parents alike. In fact, Gracie Allen, Dwight Eisenhower, Margaret Thatcher and Monty Python all have sung praises of the SPAM® Brand.
From the first can to the seven billionth, SPAM® products have remained a versatile, high-quality and great-tasting meal-time favorite. They have also changed to meet the needs of an ever-changing marketplace. The SPAM® Family of Products appeals to the varied tastes and lifestyles of people around the world.
Did you know there are many varieties of SPAM®?
Prepare your palate – a new SPAM® brand variety is now available nationwide! SPAM® Teriyaki is inspired by the rising popularity of Island cuisine hitting the mainland. Making waves all the way from beautiful Hawaii and gaining popularity among the culinary community as the “it dish,”
SPAM® Musubi - a slice of grilled SPAM® and rice wrapped in nori (seaweed) - is to Hawaiians what a slice of pizza is to New Yorkers or a hot dog is to Chicagoans. Create your own SPAM® Musubi with this helpful video!”
SPAM® is very Minnesotan.
In fact,
Austin, Minnesota is even home to The SPAM® Museum
Have you ever been there?
It's one of those trips on a Tankful for those of us in Minnesota, and admission is FREE!
Can't beat that, can you?
I remember SPAM® being around the house when I was a kiddo,
but it's not something we buy for our family currently.
Does your family eat SPAM®?
What's your favorite way to eat it?

*** As a Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger, I am occasionally given coupons for Hormel Products or Hormel Products in order to facilitate a blog post. I am not compensated for this post. ***
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