It's amazing how you don't know what you are missing...
you don't even know or care that you are....
So the microwave doesn't match the stove.
Well, with our stove down to just one working burner...
And trying to spiff up the house, just in case, well...j
ust in case the next occupants really want updated appliances...
We decided to splurge and get ourselves a new one - for Valentine's Day.
Or our Anniversary...the Hubs' Birthday...
Turns out it was a good thing we did...
Because when the installation guys showed up to take out the old in bring in the new...
It turns out our gas line was kinked pretty badly.
So badly, that they wondered how we weren't setting off alarms...
or worse.
This couldn't been pretty ugly, apparently.
And who knew that a new stove would just look that. much. better?
I guess we should've done this a long long time ago!
We come from a long line of folks who say why fix it if it ain't broke?
Why stop here, right?
Next up...
Perhaps a new fridge?
New fridge might mean new cabinetry, seeing as how the space that fits the fridge is pretty small....
See how one thing leads to another....................
Good thing we aren't the kind of couple who hates new appliances as gifts!
Happy Anniversary Babe!

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