It's not Easter without PEEPS, is it?
They were chilly, but they still humored me and posed next to the Peep Car at the Minnesota Zoo!
And that's not all!
Offering us something a little different, a little fun, and well, quite frankly, WARMER than wandering around the zoo this cold Sunday morning...
Yes, it turns out Peeps aren't just for painting!
(though maybe one of our kids DID ask if they could still eat their PEEPS! HA!)
The Peeps worked very much like a sponge...
and the kids had fun adding their designs to the giant paper that zoo patrons were coloring.
What a great idea, no?
Afterward we snapped a few pictures for our often neglected, but not forgotten about OTHER blog project.
oh how the kids laughed and laughed and laughed when they snapped these pictures of us...
The Minnesota Zoo is always a fun way to pass the time, any time of year...
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall...
Spring days that FEEL like winter!
Thanks Minnesota Zoo & Peeps for inviting our family to spend the day with you!

*** My family received complimentary tickets to the Minnesota Zoo. I was not compensated for this post. ***
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