We have had the longest. winter. ever.
We've been cooped up inside, with temps far below zero, colder for longer, than anyone can remember for what feels like eternity.
We've had a LOT of inside time over the last four (feels like four hundred) five, maybe six months...
During that time, it has allowed us to pilfer through closets, dressers, nooks, crannies and everywhere in between. If you could SEE my 'guest room' - you'd faint.
My husband jokes that he is going to snap a picture and send it in to the Hoaders TV show.
Sadly, that's how that room looks right now - SCARY!
oh, we've taken plenty to the second hand shops, tossed a bunch in the trash or recycled it.
Brought a few dozen boxes of hand me downs to friends...
But still...
When you are trying to simplify...
oh the stuff!
Why the stuff?
Because there is some cash in that pile...buried deep within the depths.
Cash that can offset the swimming lessons, softball season,
baseball season, knitting classes, dance team fees...
That's what brought us to
Because if we are going to sell this stuff...
then we need some serious attention put on our stuff!
You can do what we did -and custom design your own, vinyl, weather proof sign!
Doesn't that look sooooo much better than the tiny 'garage sale' signs or the spray painted cardboard that you see around town?
It's been tooo cold to get outside and see how this looks on our driveway - but the children did humor me recently and each take an end...
(Thanks guys!! Spring is coming, I swear!)
Our sign is 3 feet by 6 feet - done in red and yellow, with a bit of orange and white.
This big, bright sign is sure to grab the attention of passers by, right?
I'll know for sure as soon as this snow melts, because I'm not waiting much longer after that to pile my driveway full of 'treasures' that are just waiting for a new home!

*** I was not compensated for this post, however, I was given a complimentary sign in order to facilitate this blog post. ***
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