Ah, another holiday come and gone.
Christmas 2013.
It was a strange year for us -
We stayed put in our own home.
We didn't have family come for the holiday and we didn't travel to family for the holiday.
It's ok though.
It was us.
We are family.
We enjoyed opening the most special of gifts.
and in keeping with tradition, and also in wanting to delay the gratification that is gift opening just a little longer - we pulled out an old Komanetz Family Tradition.
The numbering of the gifts.
There was no shortage of gifts in our home -
We have very generous friends and family...
And as I was pointing out the excess to my husband, he reminded me that it is also due in large part to the fact that I wrap up every little thing, so there is more to open.
A new spin on New Year's Eve this year? Wrapped it.
A trip we are taking this summer...yep. Wrapped it up.
Why not?
The kids kept busy numbering the gifts too.
One number for the bowl (or, pirate's hat, this year)
And one corresponding number on the gifts.
Then, when the number is drawn, the gift comes out, gets opened, and that person draws the next number.
Even though her list specifically said
'Kids do not like clothes, except pajamas, they do like pajamas.'
They were thrilled with their new, now collectors items, Sioux Sweatshirts.
And even though we are light years away from using this thing ~
I know he will love this come summer.
And legos.
Who can't use legos...
Something for the whole family to do while we are trapped indoors for days on end!
Yes, it might seem weird that it's just the four of us, but that doesn't make it any less special,
any less important.
It also doesn't make us miss those who aren't with us any less.
Happy Holidays to You and Yours.
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