Today I was invited by Verizon Wireless as a special guest at the Mall of America
for what they are billing as a new era in wireless customer service...
Now, I'm not techy and I don't claim to be, but I am however, all about the customer experience, and I do love me a good smart phone, so I was excited about this opportunity.
When I arrived at the Mall of America, the red carpet was laid out, literally,
and the suspense was building ~
People were milling about, gawking, talking...
'Well, that's the Nike symbol,' one woman exclaimed...'but I don't know what they are doing?!?'
The curtain dropped and we media were let inside, to their shiny, new, first of it's kind for
Verizon, Destination Store at the Mall of America.
The Destination Store is huge with almost 10,000 square feet of lifestyle zones, each offering customers experience and help.
My good friend Albert from Provident Partners couldn't believe his eyes!
Actually, we were testing out smart phone cameras, lighting, and the amazing avatar wall...
The Lifestyle Zones are as follows:
- Get Fit – for the active sports and fitness buff
- Amplify It – for the music aficionado
- Have Fun – for gamers
- Home and On The Go – for home monitoring and energy management
- Anywhere Business – for the mobile professional and entrepreneur
If I'm being honest, the Verizon Destination Store at MOA had a very Brookstone-Esque feel to it. You know that feeling? Where you didn't know just how much you wanted and needed something until you get to actually see it, touch it, feel it, try it out?
Using your smart phone to play games
(games that aren't actually IN your phone?)
Love this!
COO Marni Walden threw out some statistics about cell phone usage & the one that struck a chord with me is how very little so many of us actually know about how much we can do with the cell phones we are using.
::Raises Hand::
I bet my phone can do soo much more than I know about!
Operating systems, gingerbread or what have you...that doesn't mean anything to me.
You'll never find me waiting in line for the latest, greatest.......
Sure, they are great for this, that and the other thing...
but wouldn't it be great if we had more knowledge about the products we are using?
That's what I'm most excited about with this new retail store design, the smart store.
Not just talking phones here either, for example, in the Get Fit zone,
test out a Fit Bit while taking the treadmill for a spin!
Any FitBit Force users out there yet?
This is the one I think we are going to geteach other ourselves for Christmas...
A little friendly Fit Bit Challenge to get us out of this slump.
Any FitBit Force users out there yet?
This is the one I think we are going to get
A little friendly Fit Bit Challenge to get us out of this slump.
I love the hands on experience that this Verizon Destination Store offers.
Tomorrow, November 20th, Selena Gomez will be the retail concept's first customer, and a select number of fans will be treated to meet and greet experiences with Selena, along with receiving tickets to her concert here in town on the 21st!
How cool is that?
Bummed I just missed her, but...I'm not as awestruck as the others in my house, so no big deal, right?
I know a lot of people are unhappy with their wireless carriers these days, but I'm finding it's one of those 'necessities' that we can't be without.
I for one, am thrilled with the innovation and concepts coming with my cell phone provider.
*** I am not being compensated for this post. The above pictures are mine, as are the opinions in this post. I was simply invited to be among the first media to set foot in this new store. ***
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