While we had a good summer of baseball,
it turns out, this can be a pretty dangerous sport too...
Especially when your buddies toss balls nilly willy when everyone is hanging around,
and you have to catch the ball with your face!
It was a rainy, rainy season...
Though I can't think of much that goes together like peanut butter and jelly,
or little boys and mud...
We still had to move First Base from time to time...
I think the snacks were just as fun as the games themselves...
At least these ones were!
He worked hard, he played hard.
And in the end, after a few weather delays and cancellations...
They got their big World Series of Mite Baseball Fun Day,
albeit the abbreviated version.
Not everyone made it for the opening ceremonies...
Here's the official team photo...
(note to self, figure out how to scan in the REAL team photo and 'professional' adorable pic of our boy)
The boys lined up for the big trophy hand outs...
How adorable are these young men?
Admiring (comparing!! HA!) their trophies...
It was a fun season.
A short, rainy, and often chilly one.
But a fun one none-the-less.
Thanks H for taking this one!
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