As has become our family tradition,
every fall we take a jaunt just a few miles down the road to
Minnesota's Largest Candy Store!
I ask myself, why don't we go more often?
Well, because we shouldn't, that's why!
Everything in this store is amazing...
And some, larger than life!
One of my favorite things about visiting this store, is the nostalgia it brings me...
Some things, I had forgotten existed...until I see them in the store!
And remember these?
and some things, I wouldn't touch if you were PAYING me to try them!
Chocolate covered insects?
No. Thank. You!
I love the smell of this joint...
Always hot, always fresh...
There's something about the Grandpa behind the counter - helping with the pie production line that brings me a sense of comfort, peace...again, nostalgia...
We all look forward to fall, and to our visit to Minnesota's Largest Candy Store...
Everyone has a favorite thing ~
It's just narrowing it down to what we are going to get that's hardest.
Have you been to Minnesota's Largest Candy Store?
Definitely worth a stop/trip, in my opinion!
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I used to stop all the time when I was in college (I went to Gustavus). It was a nice stop after a long weekend!
Haley, those buttons were my favorite when I was a kid. I love this place, I need to get back there
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