For the 2nd year in a row, our family made a family fun event out of
the Twin Cities COLOR RUN!
The Happiest 5k on the Planet!
You might remember last year...
We couldn't wait to do it again!
Plagued by illness for the previous 7 weeks leading up the the 'run' ~ there was no way I was going to be able to run this thing...
My friend Amy and my best girl Hails stuck together.
Our boy, well, he hugged me goodbye at the starting line and he and Dad were off...
How do you not bring a camera when you are partaking in super fun events like this?
Well, you don't...
But a smart phone?
That'll do the trick!
No need to worry about getting 'dust' on the lens, as the 'lens' is a tiny, easy to wipe clean spot on your cell phone! I may or may not have taken a couple hundred pictures via cell phone along the way!
I wish I could share them all with you...
I could, I suppose...but I had a hard time narrowing it down as it was...
And just when I thought I was all colored up and we'd be heading home...
We participated in one last color HURRAH! where little Miss Hailey had a packet of Blue...
and well..
You can see for yourself how that turned out!
13.5 years strong, the two of us...
9.5 of those in wedded bliss.
I love how he goes along with all the crazy ideas I subject him to...
And these two...
oh, these two!
It's a crazy, busy, colorful life, but I wouldn't have it any other way!
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Jealous!! I've thought about doing the color run, but haven't done it yet. Looks like you guys had a blast!
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