People tell you when you have kids, that time flies.
Time Flies.
It's crazy how fast the time will go...
In the blink of an eye...
It's true.
Just a few weeks ago we were sending our kids off to school in the fall ~
and now, there they are on the last day of first grade, and the last day of kindergarten, respectively!
(thank you thank you thank you thank you to The Hubs for taking these pictures since I was working on this morning, the last day of school!)
It was bittersweet ~ seeing them on the bus in our neighborhood for what will be the final time, as we are open enrollling to a neighboring school district.
They've been mostly happy, they've made great friends, they've learned lots....
but it's time.
It's something we thought about long and hard before we even sent our girl off for her first day ~
and after navigating the system these last two years, learning the ins, the outs, the ups, the downs
We are ready for life's next chapter.
Just as he did for her when she wrapped up her last day of kindy, her Daddy brought her a bouquet of flowers for her last day of First Grade.
She adores him, and him her.
She talked about this for a year straight...and I love that something seemingly so simple, will make her day for weeks on end.
I thought long & hard about what to surprise the brother with.
Sure, he could have flowers too - but was there something else, some tradition we could create?
We plucked a flower from Hailey's bouquet and gave it to him - and met him at home with a bouquet of
star shaped balloons.
He was equally as thrilled.
A pic of 3 kindergarten buddies...
Incidentally, all three boys are going to different schools in the fall.
Different from this year, and different from each other -
A yes, a bittersweet day, but one where we know we are moving in the right direction none-the-less!
Time really does fly by.
I can't believe she's got two years under her belt, and him, a full year already.
Doesn't seem possible, yet, it seems like they've been doing this forever.
How does that work?
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