The sun, it did us all good.
I know the sun shines here where we live, even on these coldest of days ~ but certainly not everyday.
Seven days a week, we are up before daybreak.
Many days, spent trudging into the office: duty calls. Well, maybe not duty, but someone would be calling, if we weren't working, working to pay for the house, the car, the food.
Even when there is no work, it's hard to spend too much time outdoors this time of year. It's cold, sometimes dangerously so. It's wet, it's dirty.
I long for warm days. For sunshine.
We carved out some time recently. We found some.
Some shining sun. Warm air on our faces.
Even the clouds were different there.
Why yes. We did.
We couldn't get enough of the warmth on our faces.
Our boy, well, he wanted to 'sunbasket' ~ his words.
'Hey guys! I'm going to sunbasket over here for just a little while longer...'
We came home, and I swear they've grown six inches.
They've been watered, been given sunlight.
Even their smiles grew.
I know it won't be too long & another winter will be behind us.
We'll be outside, remembering why we choose to live in the state that we do.
But right now, in the cold, dead of the winter, night...
it seems impossibly far away.

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