Our recent trip to Florida had us spending a couple of days at
Our kids LOVE Nickelodeon...
So we knew that this would be a fun stop on our vacation ~
We were right!
While we LOVED our room at Nick Hotel ...
(Hello - we must ALWAYS get a suite when we travel! What a life saver on a 9 day family get away!)
We also loved walking around the grounds.
They had turtles & ducks and a gorgeous swan and these really crazy birds that our son just loved.
There are little food machines that you can drop a quarter into...and boy oh boy do these birds know just where to go!
Derek really enjoyed this activity!
The walk to breakfast, lunch and/or dinner was scenic, around a small lake of sorts, and the kids got a kick out of this 'stand off' between a giant black bird and Patrick, from SpongeBob.
In all reality, I believe this bird was drying it's wings, but it sure was funny!
The view from our 6th Floor deck was pretty great - and the kids enjoyed being able to keep an eye on what was going on down below, even when we weren't hanging out by the pool. A bonus for us? Being able to have our hotel room open to the fresh air. Most hotels have long, dark & dank hallways, so when you are in your room, well, you are in your room. Not this one, this one allowed for us to prop open the door and enjoy the sights, the sounds, the FRESH FLORIDA AIR!
All of those swimming lessons paid off, and the kids were able to enjoy themselves in the vast pool area that the Nick Hotel has, while Mom & Dad relaxed by the side of the pool.
The kids kept a close eye on all of the events happening pool side,
but just weren't quite sure they wanted to get in on the action.
What we they unsure about? GREEN SLIME! That's right!
The kids had the opportunity to get SLIMED at Nick Hotel! YAY!
On our last afternoon with Nick Hotel, our girl decided she DID indeed want to get SLIMED, but some adults pushing and shoving and well, just behaving badly, marred her opportunity, and she opted out.
Such a bummer...
but we'll be back...
In the meantime, the kids had their own
GREEN SLIME to play with!
Isn't it GREAT being a kid?
When we weren't playing in the pool or wandering the grounds, the boys were able to enjoy some more outside time with a friendly game of one on one basketball.
I was a bit worried about not having a car in Florida, wondering if we'd be bored at the hotel. Not SO!
What better way to spend a Saturday night - than at DOUBLE DARE! Remember that show?
Families can sign up to compete at a Double Dare show, held right on site at Nick Hotel. Our kids weren't quite old enough (8 years old) or we SO would have done this! They had so much fun! What great memories for a family on vacation, no?
They even had the giant nose that the competing family had to reach up in, to grab a flag! HA!
Our favorite part of the trip, however, had to be the character dining.
At $26.00 for adults, and $14.00 for kids ~ some might find this to be on the higher side of what you want to spend for dinner.
For an all you can eat buffet, with made to order pasta dishes, pizza, fresh salads, desserts, and...
This was well worth the money spent.
Worms & Dirt Dessert!
The kids loved getting up close and personal with the Heroes in a Half Shell!

And after the effects of a large, Italian Buffet have worn off,
there is still plenty of time to enjoy some night swimming!
Or, if swimming isn't your thing in the dark of night, there's always unwinding in the hot tub! Nick Hotel has a 'family hot tub' and one for those 13 & older...which is a nice touch! Our kids love to hang out in the hot tub, but many hotels we find ourselves at, they aren't old enough to get to enjoy this!
Thanks Nick Hotel!
You can click HERE to see what our room (which we LOVED!) looked like...
And for more on Character Dining with Nick Hotel, breakfast buffet style - Click HERE!
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