February means celebrating those we love, at least in our house ~ via Valentine's Day (that we DO NOT make a big deal out of) & with the Hub's birthday. Celebrating means getting to go out, eat someone else's great cooking, and not having to clean up after yourselves.
It also means, your budget will be blown clear out of the water, if you aren't careful.
We've been trying hard to 'celebrate' at home, by trying new recipes.
One of my favorite go to places for recipes is
Remember when we made those awesome fajitas?
We still revert to that recipe for a good fix - including last weekend for the birthday weekend!
Our latest attempt...
A recipe loosely followed below...
Again, this is me we're talking about...note the 'Beginner' level of difficulty! Yep! Perfect!
In an effort to mix things up a little bit, I went with tri colored,cheese filled, tortellini noodles instead of the fett noodles the recipe called for...
Tossed in alfredo sauce ~
And can a person ever go wrong with BACON!?!
Hormel sells these amazing REAL Bacon Bits, and let's be honest here...
I'm not taking the time to fry up my own ~
These things are a lifesaver...
And besides that, everything is better with bacon!
I put some IN the pasta and then I sprinkled some (ok lots on my own bowl...)
This cooking at home thing really isn't too bad...
If I can stick to the beginner recipes, and find enough with variation ~ I might actually enjoy it!?!
Do you have a favorite recipe that isn't too involved for someone like me?
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