For the past several weeks,
I've had the opportunity to test drive the Droid Incredible 4G LTE ~
A smart phone is a smart phone is a smart phone right?
Turns out, I'm finding out that I couldn't be more wrong.
For starters, see this picture here?
My phone (The Droid X) is on the bottom - the new Droid Incredible 4G LTE is on the top.
At one point, I thought that having a 'larger screen' smart phone was, well, smart.
Turns out, after having both of these phones on my person at the same time...
Small (& mighty) wins.
While I often do carry a purse, filled with 20 pounds of 'stuff' -
Reality is, I prefer not to.
I prefer to slip things into my pocket instead.
Drivers license, credit card, a couple of bucks, and...
my phone!
(And if I'm being honest...out of the above mentioned items...
if I can only take one, it's obviously the phone!)
If you've been here before, you know that I love. love. LOVE taking pictures. I take them daily.
I have a fantastic DSLR camera that I adore.
It takes GREAT pictures (or I do, whatever, right?) but the reality is,
I can't be carting around a big DSLR camera with me...
It's just not practical. Or smart.
There are so many things worth documenting, and even the kiddos get in on the action,
telling me they need to take a picture of something, and they ask me for my phone.
I'm far more trusting handing my phone over to my 5 & 6 year olds than I am a big, heavy camera.
Should the phone drop to the ground, chances are, it'll survive.
Should they hit a few extra buttons...
they aren't resetting everything or messing something up for my next shot...
The thing is ~
My Droid X takes really crappy pictures.
The shutter lags, and the pictures are often 'action' pictures, as in,
everything is blurry during the action shots.
The Droid Incredible Next Gen (the 4G LTE) boasts an advanced 8–megapixel camera with instant activation from the lock screen so you never miss the perfect shot, and it has a wide–angled lens that lets you capture even more of it.
In the last few weeks, with the Droid Incredible 4G LTE in hand,
I have left my big camera at home more...
And it has NOT disappointed me.
Having this phone has enabled me to capture the not so little moments
that are actually some of the biggest of our lives...
*** And also, I am pretty confident that I look less like a crazy mom snapping a few pictures with a small phone that fits in the palm of my hand, vs. a giant SLR camera! HA! ***
Our girl is a big first grader ~
she has actual textbooks this year!
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Fine by us, but, when he does go in, it's fun to have some documented proof no?
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Birthday Party Bowling Fun...
Such a Fashionista, this one!
Finally mastering the 2 wheeled bike?
Certainly the job for a small phone, not the crazy mom chasing after the kids with her big ol camera, making everyone nervous!
He 'rescued' this dragonfly ~ & wanted a photo of himself holding it....
Sure Buddy! No problem!
the detail on this picture? From a random phone?
Now THAT is #incredible!
These next pictures are fuzzy ~ but here's the thing...I actually took VIDEO, of the kiddos on the Tarzan Rope at the end of their swimming lessons. Then, with the touch of a button while playing back that video on the phone, I was able to grab still shots out of the video! Um, hello! Talk about awesome!
Our boy has joined the ranks of hockey...
we're brand brand new at this, but of course,
I want to document this big huge milestone.
And on our annual trip down to Minnesota's Largest Candy Store?
When the place is packed, elbow to elbow people buying up so many delicious goodies...
I'm able to make her happy by grabbing a couple of shots
of our girl, with things that caught her eye...quickly, easily....
When the place is packed, elbow to elbow people buying up so many delicious goodies...
I'm able to make her happy by grabbing a couple of shots
of our girl, with things that caught her eye...quickly, easily....
Besides, would you believe that these existed, &
that people actually bought them,
Now, I'm sure that there are lots of great technical reviews out there on this amazing little phone...Google Droid Incredible 4G LTE and see what happens...
The thing is, for me, I don't care about the Android Ice Cream Sandwich.
I don't even know what that means.
The 1.2 GHz dual core (blah blah blah) processor is maybe a selling point for some ~
And maybe that's part of what makes me love this phone...
Here's what I know...
This phone is small and compact, and it packs a big punch.
When I want (or need) to check my email while I'm sitting at swimming lessons waiting on the kiddos, it pops right up.
This phone doesn't show me the swirlingswirlingswirling circle while it's 'updating' my email...
It shows me what I want, NOW.
It helps to keep me connected to the business side of life,
even when I insist on being on the family side of it.
It helps me get from point A to point B with it's navigation system ~ and allows me to read up on the local/national news when I've arrived at my destination far too early because of said great navigation.
When I go to snap a picture, that's exactly what the Droid Incredible does.
It snaps the picture. Right then. Right now.
I don't have to hold the phone in place while I hold my breathe that the shot took.
The kids might actually still be in front of me when the picture appears on the phone, confirming that I did indeed get the shot...not long gone like they often are when I use my Droid X for picture taking.
I've asked my husband to snap a few pictures with it for my Project Me. Project You blog -
He doesn't use a smart phone of any kind, but he's no stranger to taking photos...'Wow! This is fast!' He says...If he's impressed with technology - it's impressive.

*** While I was lent a Droid Incredible 4G LTE from Verizon to share my thoughts, I was not compensated in any way for this post. The above pictures and the above words...(yes, I talk alot!) are mine, and mine alone. ***
Mom's best friend, well at least one of her best friends, a small, smart phone with a great camera. OK the Tarzan rope is a great shot!
Where did you get the new look for the blog? I LOVE IT!
@Melissa - Kendra from did my blog make over - I am terrible with the html - so I decided to finally just hire it out, save me some headaches! Loved having someone else do this!! ;)
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