Oh sure, it's big and vast and endless...but it's also a really tiny space. When something is 'big' - it's really big. Things go 'viral' ~ as in, 259 of your 265 friends on Facebook have all reposted it in the last 24 hours. This can be good, or this can be bad, depending on what it is I suppose.
This week, there's been an amazing, remarkable 'Stand Up to Bullying' story...
I just LOVED seeing her response, her powerful words, and all of the media attention and positive response that has ensued. I love that she has used her position to speak out ~ I hope her words sink in to those who may be silently struggling...
The other 'viral', if you will, story, going around (and around and around and around) my social media streams, is another awesome, feel good story.
The story 'Mom stays in the picture'
~ Sooo many people can relate to that one...young, old, thin, not thin...
I bet everyone has felt that way at one point or another - some of us, far more than others...
This is not a new subject to me...
It was almost three years ago that I launched a blog, devoted specifically to getting in the picture with one or both of my kids.
I call it
Project Me. Project You.
My first post was December 15th, 2009.
And when it started out, I had good intentions of taking a picture of me and the kids every day...and we did really good for an entire couple of months...but then one day I forgot...
And one day it just got old, taking the same shot, at arms length...looking pretty much the same day in, day out...
Sometimes the participants were not willing, but then other times they were...
Some of the pictures turned out really well ~
And some not so much ~
Some should barely even count, but they do...
at least in my world...
Some days we include the Daddy in the pictures, though he tends to be in far more pictures anyway - since it's usually Mom with the camera...
This blog, these blogs, they are all about the kids, one day, knowing that I was here, with them.
I want them to know how we might have looked, together...the good, the bad, the ugly.
And trust me...there is a lot of good, a lot of bad, and a lot of ugly ~ but there is also a lot of great too.
A lot of smiles.
A lot laughs.
A lot of tears.
It's what life is all about ~ regardless of what is staring back at us in the mirror, regardless of what your memory card captures...
It's what your heart captures...
Case in point -
we couldn't get a decent picture to save our souls last weekend at a family wedding -
But I suppose that depends on who you ask...
Or when you ask it...
I don't care how tired and run down and frumpy I look - (I was tired, I was run down, I was frumpy. It's life.
I care that we were together, that we had a great time...and that one day, we will look back at these pictures and say 'Remember when...............'
Without pictures, at least some pictures, we cannot possibly remember every moment. Some of the quiet, mundane, unimportant moments are some of the best ones ~
& I'll do what I can to document at least some of them!
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SO true!!!! I am going to be better at this, I swear it. xoxo
Isn't that video amazing! I think it hasn't hit me yet, that I have a girl and that body issue will be in the front of her life - nearly all her life.
Good for you on focusing on the moment... all that other 'stuff' is just stuff.
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