It was also another big end of era for our family...
The last day of home daycare for our boy -
Since our daughter was 13 weeks old - we have entrusted the care of our kiddos, four days a week, year round, to some wonderful women.
We spent the first three years with one provider, and the last three years with another ~
And on the eve of his final night with his daycare family, D sat down and penned a note. (Rob helped him to spell what he couldn't, while we girls were out shopping.)
And the next morning, Derek posed for an obligatory picture...
He spent many a mornings watching me leave through this window...
Some days were sad...
But overall, he learned, he grew, he thrived...
D was sad to leave - and asked a lot about seeing his friends...
We'll be back to visit Buddy, we'll be back.
It's time for the next chapter of our lives.
Hold on to your hats!!
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