We love grilling here at our house ~ We grill year round if we can...but there is just something about the month of May, something about the unofficial, official start of the summer season around here ~
Everything tastes better when it's cooked on the grill doesn't it?
We usually stick to our old tried and true favs when we grill out - burgers, brats and chicken.
Once in awhile, we get really crazy and think outside the box...
It's hard to go wrong with a great recipe and a decent grill right?
One of my favorite things to eat when OTHER people make it - is
grilled corn on the cob!
Nothing says summer to me like grilled corn cobs!
This is something I've often thought about trying...but have been scared to do so!
Well this month, I figured why not try it out!
Turns out - it was waaaay easier than I had hoped it would be!
And the world's greatest taste tester couldn't wait to dig in!
This is WAAAY better than waiting 20 minutes while we heat up a boiling pot of water on the stove, inside an already hot house...
Do you grill corn on the cob?
This will be the only way I make it from here on out...
a little butter and a lot of Seasoned Salt
This was the scene of our annual neighborhood Memorial Day BBQ yesterday....
A little something for everyone ~
Ah, nothing says summer like grilling your meals...
Do you have a favorite food you like to prepare on the grill?

*** As a member of Hormel Foods Exteneded B logger Program, I was given a gift card to off set the cost of some of the groceries purchased to grill out with my family. Pictures and opinions in this post are mine and mine alone. ***
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