Including - our not-so-welcomed guests!
The Better Mouse Trap indeed!
We set these traps in our garage from time to time - Who knew they also worked on snakes?
So, is this the smartest snake ever...going to the mouse trap to hunt for his lunch? Or the dumbest, seeing as how he got stuck in not one, but two...mouse traps? If you look close enough, though why on earth would you WANT can see his tail sticking out the right side of the mouse trap in the top of the picture...Stupid thing got himself entangled in both traps.
We were outside running around, when I hear this tap tap tapping in the garage...
'Did we just catch a mouse?' I hollered out.
When all of a sudden, flailing around & rolling out into the open, from behind a garbage can in our garage...
All signs point to summer being here.
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