How to Make the Perfect Grilled Cheese!
Quick, simple and easy, right?
Did you know that April 12th was National Grilled Cheese day? Well, it was!
Surprisingly, the process of creating the perfect grilled cheese is not always as easy as it looks.
Rule #1 ~
• Don’t overheat! Using low to moderate heat is the key to a perfect golden brown on the outside, gooey on the inside grilled cheese sandwich.
Rule #2 ~
• To ensure the bread is brown, but not burned, spread a mixture of softened butter and oil directly to the bread, not the pan. Using a pastry brush will help distribute the mixture perfectly across the bread.
Rule #3 ~
• Carefully select your cheeses to ensure you pick ones that are soft and melt well. Cheddar, American and mozzarella are always safe bets. Covering your skillet is also a good way to ensure that the cheese melts but the bread does not burn.
• If you like to add a little bit of extra flair to your grilled cheese with the addition of ingredients, sandwich the ingredients between two layers of cheese so that they melt in perfectly. Try adding a few slices of tomato or sprinkle in some Hormel® pepperoni minis or Hormel® fully cooked bacon to your sandwich.
I actually surprised my hubs with this one the other night. He was not in the kitchen when I made dinner, and upon taking a few bites of his sandwich, he says to me 'What kind of meat is this?'
Why? I asked him...fearing my secret (HELLO HORMEL FULLY COOKED BACON!!) would be out.
Because, it tastes great. It's not turkey bacon, that's for sure! HAHA!
We've had grilled ham & cheese sandwiches before, but I've never indulged with bacon.
Great choice! YAY!
• There are several different pans you can use to cook your grilled cheese- cast iron skillet, frying pan, cart iron griddle, or a grill pan!
I love my grill pan -
And I love that our little boy will eat every last one of those green beans and ask for more!
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***As a member of the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger Program - I was given coupons to offset the cost of Hormel products at my local grocery store. Pictures and opinions are mine and mine alone. ***
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