Every year, for every birthday...
we've thrown celebrations at our house that have been quaint and marvelous and wonderful - We have been so so blessed with our friends and our neighbors celebrating with us year after year - 10 parties thus far, if you add up the six we've had for the girl and the four we've had for the boy...
This little boy - he's all grown up...
Five now ya know...
And this year he wanted a party 'at the gymnastics place' ~
He's still in that 'before school age' - where you aren't quite sure who to invite...What to do for the big birthday occassion...
Our friends range in age from 6 months to 13 years old...
What to do...
What to do.
Well, because his birthday falls over what is known as the holiday break - I decided to see if I could pull together every parent's nightmare - and schedule a weekday birthday party...
Something pretty simple...yet fun.
We took advantage of open playtime at the local gymnastics place - and even though it was overrun with kids looking to burn off some steam - way more kids than we've ever seen there...
We still managed to have a great time!
D&H's buddy B came to show off his climbing skills -
And Monkey See, Monkey Do wasn't too far behind -Little G had fun jumping...
While little E tried things out too -
D & P used the parallel bars...
And E checked out the ball pit -
The easy fav...is always the runway trampoline...
That drops you into a foam pit of blocks...
After spending a couple of hours running around - We headed over to our house for CAKE POPS!
And pizza - A huge huge thank you to the Hubs who had the pizza hot and ready to go when we got here! THANK YOU THANK YOU!
After pizza and cake pops...we headed downstairs to play a little Kinect...(and wait patiently for our turns)
I was worried that it wouldn't feel like a birthday party to our boy, the kind that he is used to having. but he loved every second of it and then some. Sure, he missed some of the people that he is used to having at his party...and he brought it up a few times...but I think we've officially entered the birthday party of little friends, more so than the birthday parties of mom and dad's friends...
Happy Five little man...Happy Five.

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