Last year we were lucky enough to have family in town for the holiday weekend and we brought them along to the Car Show...
It's such a great way for us to spend an evening, as a family...
Admission is free...and there are blocks and blocks of old cars ~
The cars...

They are neat and cool and interesting...

Some are flashier than others...

But it isn't the cars that draws me here...
There's something else...
I love the small town atmosphere.
Walking down the quaint main street.
The river.
The people...they are all so friendly and nice.
And while I'm not into antiquing...there is just something about the numerous antique shops that dot the main street...
I walk through these stores and am instantly transported back to my childhood...
Small town -
Seeing certain things on the shelves of these stores...
I see things I didn't even remember I had, until I saw them...

I could spend hours snapping pictures of these old treasures...
If you add it all up, I suppose I do...
We wander back outside...

And inside again...

And even though the weather isn't the nicest it's ever been...
We still take the time to indulge in one of our favorite guilty pleasures of the car show...
And I'm telling you - the people watching is second to none...

A couple of years ago...I was certain I was going to be on candid camera...

A couple of years ago...I was certain I was going to be on candid camera... much for a person to take in...

My favorite people watching is these folks here...

And doesn't everything taste better when you are eating it outside?

Yes, There's just something about this city...
Something I just can't quite put my finger on...
something I just don't feel like we get at home...
(For the record...we did drive out and scope out a property near here that sits on 5 acres that I've had my eye on...turns out, while I do like it...It really is pretty far out there...further south than I want to go...while 5 acres sounds delightful...getting to said 5 acres on gravel, winding, hilly roads with the winter conditions we deal with for 6 months out of each year...well, this particular one isn't for us...but we'll I'll keep looking...just in case!)

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