I met up with some girlfriends the other night & we listened to Matt read from his heart wrenching non-fiction book...

And then Maddy promptly stole the show...

When I shared my pictures with the kids the next day...
They were pretty impressed that A) Maddy had grown into a kid, who PLAYS! ...and, B) 'had grown hair' - HA HA!
H was dying to see her...and also demanding to know 'When did Matt get so famous?' ~
Kid - we're still asking ourselves that same thing!!
So...We brought the family out to one of the local book signings...Where she got to shadow the now famous Matt Logelin around...
(I love this picture...I'm not sure who looks more bored! HA!)

After asking me a couple
You know, like Junie B. Jones?
Um. Not-so-much.
She absolutely adores the pictures on the inside covers of Two Kisses for Maddy.
Her favorite? The picture of Liz looking at Maddy.
Incidently, the only picture of the two of them together.
Some day, I will tell my little girl all about my story...
And she will understand why pictures mean so very very much to me...
(though I secretly think she gets it already...she's an old soul this one...)
Even though we have no plans to read her a single page of this book until she is older, much much older ~
We did let her buy a copy of Two Kisses for Maddy - which Matt graciously autographed for her.

It's now displayed proudly on her bookshelf in her room - nestled in front of the Junie B. Jones series, books about Princesses, Dinosaurs and everything else under the sun.
I think she may tell you it's her favorite book, even though she hasn't read the pages yet.

She knows the story that these pages hold.
She knows the people that the story involves.
She knows just how very very important this story is.
If only it were just a story.

I love the last picture. And she's so funny asking when Matt got so famous. I was curious if his book was on ibooks and I got as far as "Two K" and the title popped to the top of the suggestions list.
Fun! I went out to the reading/signing in Wayzata last night. It was a bit of a fail for me w/ my two-year-old in tow, but I wasn't the only parent sitting on the floor of the children's section during the reading!
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