I wasn't sure I wanted to play along - as reading the other bloggers stuff I find I'm stumped!! Even some of the ones I felt like I know pretty well...I guess that's the fun of this game.
Without further ado...
Here are mine...
~ I drink a glass of wine every night before I go to bed ~ Here's the LIE! I can't believe how many of you guessed I was lying about this one right off the bat! I don't drink many 'adult beverages' these days...and when I do - I much prefer a nice cold beer or a tall Capt'n Morgan drink...but rarely, if ever, wine!
~ I was a trombone player in the school band ~ Yep...I was. For a year...Maybe two? I don't even remember anymore. I wanted to play the flute but you didn't always get your first choice. Small towns you know - someone has to fill in the gaps. I wanted to like it, really I did. But when you have to ride your bike to band practice all the way across town, carrying your instrument...well, a trombone isn't very ideal for a young kid on her 10 speed bike!
~ I was a flight attendant at one time in my life ~ Ah, yes. I was a flight attendant. It's what I always wanted to do when I grew up...Well, that and child care provider. I was 20 when I went to Dallas for Flight Academy...It was ok...Not great - because I was flying for a regional carrier. Then, they sent me to Chicago to live/work. The first few days of being there - someone smashed out the windows of my fancy little sports car (an Eagle Talon) and stole. my. airbags! BOTH of them. Ugh. A few days later - my flight bag was stolen off the L train...leaving me stranded with nothing. No wallet, no money to even RIDE THE L to get back to my crash pad (that I shared with like 2 dozen other people). No address book that was my tie to home. Yep. Flight attending...Not all it was cracked up to be...I went *home* and never went back...
So, there you have it...
A little more into my glamerous life!
So...there you have it. Do you know which are fact and which is fiction? Bragging rights to anyone who guesses correctly! Drop me your answer in the comments and then hop on over and see what the other bloggers are saying about themselves!

You drink a glass of wine every night is a lie.
I don't know you other than by reputation (that was a compliment), and so this is a wild guess. Methinks you were never a flight attendant. (I did eenie meenie miney mo).
Just guessing here...you've never been a Flight Attendant?
I'm going to go with #1 as the lie because I love the trombone and this it is cool if you were a flight attendant. :)
Okay, I'm going with the trombone. I won't guess #1 because, frankly, a glass of wine before bed sounds lovely.
You don't have a glass of wine every night-no way, don't believe it. Totally believe the trombone and the flight attendant.
you look like a very pretty Flight Attendant...and a girl who used to be in the band...I am guessing no wine. :)
i guess no trombone!
I'm guessing #1 is the lie.
I don't think you have a glass of wine everynight before bed, but I could be wrong.
I'm going with trombone as the lie ;)
Let's see~
I've never heard you talk about wine so I think #1 is the lie.
I will guess that number one is the lie (although, there may be a glass of wine before bed on SOME nights) and because I also played the trombone in the high school band (and was the only girl who did!)
I am guessing that you were NOT a flight attendant.
#1. It's too simple, and lots of people do it......so it would stand to reason that's your lie, because it sounds so believeable. I overthought that, didn't I.
I'm going to say #1!!!
#2 is the lie.
Since we're not in Italy (although I wish we were at times!), I'm also going with the wine every night. Although, a glass of wine sounds nice right now. Maybe I should join you...
Why do I feel that if you were a flight attendent we'd know that? I'm going with the flight attendent.
The wine is the lie. I too played Trombone! Nice "meeting" you.
Obviously, I have not kept a close enough eye on you at the blogger gatherings. I have not guessed one lie correctly yet.
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