We've been here almost 10 years now...and since we aren't going anywhere anytime soon - it's high time we finally start planting roots on the inside of this house - and making it the way we want to.
We got a couple remodeling quotes in 2010 - Aye aye AYE!
Back to the drawing board...
And that, my friends...is where CSN Stores comes in -
I have long been looking for night stand (s) for our bedroom. It seems like the bedroom would be an easy place to 'remodel' or 'makeover' without spending a fortune right?
I found a single night stand at a local discount retailer place - and I picked it up...but then began fretting that I couldn't find a match even after dozens of trips back to the store to check their inventory...
After looking at the tag on the nightstand that I DID buy...I decided to google it...
And wouldn't you know it if CSN Stores didn't carry oodles of the nightstands that I loved!
I promptly ordered one to match the one I had already purchased ~ and it arrived on my doorstep just a few days later - WITH FREE SHIPPING!
It was tightly wrapped in bubble wrap and already assembled - JACKPOT!
And now - Viola! Matching night stands! (To hide my crap!)
Yes, of course there is one on each side of the bed - not two on one side...This photo was snapped for comparisons sake.
I also intend to paint the bedroom a nice light shade of blue and fill those frames above the bed with family photos - not 5 giant photos of the same random woman who happened to come with the frames...
I want lamps on the nightstands - but I quickly discovered we have outlets on just one wall in our bedroom. WHAT? How 'zen' is an extension cord with a surge protector at the end of it draped across your room to plug in lamps on your nightstands?
The things you don't know when you are buying your first, and last...house.
***As a preferred blogger for CSN Stores - I was given a promo code to use to offset the purchase of my nightstand - Thank you CSN Stores! ***
When I saw the picture I first saw the frames with that woman and thought, "Who is that woman and why does she have several copies of the same thing. weird." Glad you cleared it up. I love those nightstands! So much storage space. We just keep a lamp on one side of the bed. It has a movable neck so we can focus it more to the other side if needed. Otherwise, it seems to work to keep just one. So, unless you both read every night, maybe that would work for you as well?
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