Though I don't think he would have minded if you stayed up a little bit later just this one time...
Click on over & see where my little man fell asleep THIS TIME!
This weekend, my family had the wonderful privilege of taking in Opening Night of a production of Feld Entertainment's Disney on Ice - Mickey & Minnie's Magical Journey.

As a Feld Family Activator, we also had the delightful opportunity to meet a couple of VERY special folks before the show!
I was SURE my kids would go NUTS - because after all -
This was Mickey and Minnie MOUSE!
Every time the kids ask for a Happy Meal, I ask them if they'd rather have a Happy Meal, or $5 (each) towards their Disney Fund for our next big family vacation...
Disney Fund ALWAYS wins.
As you can see from the picture below - D was NOT having any of this special meet & greet...
(Even though when we were walking in to the Meet & Greet - he saw them & said 'Hey! I remember those guys!' - CUTEST THING EVER!!
Such a bummer...If they only knew how lucky they were right?
Regardless - they were both super excited for the show...Who wouldn't be!?!
But, about 15 minutes into the show ~ during his beloved Lion King...
We lost him...Fast asleep...lulled into never never land by the music of Disney...
This one however, she ate it up! She was laughing and clapping and smiling and singing...
Easily her favorite was the Peter Pan act...She LOVED seeing them fly...I know Buddy would have loved it too - had be been AWAKE for it! This was THE Disney on Ice show for both girls AND boys...Mickey and Minnie Mouse, The Lion King, Lilo & Stitch, Peter Pan...
I was so tempted to purchase tickets for just he and I and take him to an afternoon show while it was still in town, but...Minnesota weather didn't cooperate too much this weekend for doing much of anything -
A couple of feet of fresh snow will do that I suppose -
A great night out with my not-so-little girl though -
I think he's over it, having woken up just in time to wave goodbye to the cast of characters...
Although he is adamant that Peter Pan was NOT there...Poor Kid...
Next time Buddy - Next time...
If you have a chance to take in Disney on Ice ~ Mickey & Minnie's Magical Journey - Do it!
It was a great family outing - even is someone did sleep through most of it...
Regardless - These are the events that dreams memories are made of -
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