but we do have some other fun things up our sleeves to get through the looooong Minnesota Winter Season...They may not be 'big vacations' per se - but a vacation is a staycation is a vacation of sorts right?
I can't WAIT to share with all of you some of the adventures we will be having in the not-so-distant future...
It's only been cold here for about a week...Seriously, one day it was like 76 degrees and a couple of days later we had a foot of snow on the ground...
Ah, Minnesota...how we love your unpredictible weather...or something.
Anyway - it's been a week and we're going stir crazy already...
Time to whip up a Winter Bucket List perhaps?
What do you do to keep yourself sane during the cold winter months?
*** As a CSN Preferred Blogger, I am occassionally offered products for review or give away via my blog. Stay tuned for another one coming soon ***
The BEST way to warm up winter is to go on the Tropics Trail at the zoo for sure!
We are also getting the behind the scenes holiday animals tour!
How do I stay sane during the long, cold winter? Why, I read blogs, of course. Like yours! Plus, the study is one of the warmest rooms in our house. :)
Um I love those suitcases! Did you see that they have light up wheels! They may be on our list before the next Disney Trip! AWESOME FIND!
@Gina - I know right!?! Carry on approved! I LOOVE those suitcases and I'm thinking...under the tree at Christmas?
They are CRAZY discounted right now...
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