In addition to the Butterfly Release...
Uncle Denny had a little game of catch & release going himself!
Saturday morning - he finally caught the elusive woodchuck...
only, it turned out to be one of two (we know this because we saw one trying to figure out how to free this guy...that guy was finally caught the morning after!)
I sure think they are cute...if they weren't a little bit scary to have around - we might just keep them - instead - they get released down at Murphy Hanrehan....hopefully that's far enough away for them to not come back...
Bosco wanted to say hi - but this as close as we let him get...
And a little later that same day - this crazy bird that's been hanging around was wresting something in the neigbors yard...
Is that I snake I wondered?
Couldn't be....but what if?
Turns out we got just a little too close before the bird was done doing whatever it is birds do with snakes (in this instance, pecking him like crazy and tossing him up in the air over and over again!) - and he flew away...
We figured the snake was dead and went to investigate ... (because dead snakes in the yard and two large dogs between us makes for some stinky rolly polly 100 pound animals that live in our homes)
But he wasn't...
When snapping his picture from several feet away...he tried to 'strike' me!
So...seeing as how this was a teeny tiny snake compared to what we usually get - Betsy and I decided to have a little fun...(because normally we are running in the opposite direction screaming our heads off!)
And shortly thereafter - out for my morning

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