When our dear friend and neighbor decided to use a day off cleaning out her garden beds...She created heaven on earth for our little girl...
Set up with an old sheet for a blanket...and some borrowed American Girl Dolls from Betsy's not-so-little girl...
She was all set...and she played...and played...and played...
all. day. long.
Little Buddy popped in from time to time to check on everyone...

And of course both dogs needed to hang out there to make sure there wasn't any real tea or crumpets to snatch up...

But she didn't need anybody else...
Just her and those dolls...

She is sooo lucky to have Auntie Betsy next door - we all are really...

When I felt like the sun was getting too warm (in APRIL no less!) I had them move their picnic to the shade of the big evergreens that separate the yards...

I loved looking out across the yard and seeing this...

Nothing to plug in, no batteries required...
This...this here is what it's all about...
The weather was just perfect (til the past few days it seems...) and I loved watching all the kids in the neighborhood out playing and just being kids. It has been wonderful.
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