Well, Amanda also made the famous 'rainbow cake' ...and seeing as how a person shouldn't probably eat a seven layer cake once a week...she also had the fantabulous idea of rainbow pancakes...
Well, pancakes are one of the few things our daughter will eat...
So...What better for Mother's Day breakfast...
than something quick, easy, and fun ~ That can be enjoyed by everyone!!
Even though my lil Buddy had been up at 3 am...
He decided to get up and find me at the awesome hour of 6 am...
So much for sleeping in on Mother's Day...
How can a person be mad when they have help like this?
And truth be told, while I would love to sleep in until say, 7 am, once in awhile...I sort of relish this one on one time with my little guy.
There's no TV, no computer. No vying for attention because his big sister is talking to me. I'm not vying for his attention because he just wants to *flay* with Daddy...Just me and my boy - chatting about our hopes and our dreams...or his really cool pj's...or other very important stuff!

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high,
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue,
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true.
I am one lucky lucky woman. All of my life - the only thing I can ever remember wanting more than anything was to be a mom. Well, a mom and a flight attendant. I remember filling out the 'what do you want to be when you grown up' section of this book my folks had for grades K-12...There was a page for each year, you put your school picture on the front of the page and the page acted as a sort of pocket...Anyhoo - I had filled out the entire book when I was maybe in the first grade, all the way up through grade 12, that I wanted to be a flight attendant...and become a Flight Attendant I did in 1996...
It wasn't as glamorous as I had hoped...that's what happens when you go to work for a regional airline and spend your nights in places like Dubuque Iowa! (No offense you Iowans!)
So anyway ~ While that was fun...it wasn't my cup of tea...
Sometimes, I wonder if this motherhood thing is either...but I'm glad that I get the chance to wake up each day and start over...
This family I've been blessed with...Seriously - SOOO awesome...
I'm absolutely convinced that life doesn't get a whole lot better than this.
I hope that your mother's day was as enjoyable as mine was...
I know some of you are struggling to get to that place...hang in there...This last year alone I can rattle off a whole handful of folks who wanted so very badly to hold the title of Mother...they succeeded...and I know no less than a dozen preggo gals right now ~
I'm convinced it's what life is all about - the cycle of life - becoming a parent...
And I thank my lucky stars each and every day that I have been given this awesome role...(albeit a tough one sometimes!)
And oh how I wish you could get a whiff of the awesome flowers my boys picked out for Mother's Day...
Yep...Blessed. Blessed beyond measure...
Skies are blue,
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true.
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