Winning Me Over...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

So this post in long over due - and I have nothing to say for myself except that I wasn't sure exactly how to go about it...

Knowing that I couldn't possibly put a post as eloquently as my friend Erin did, or my friend Jen did...

A couple few? weeks ago I was asked to be among a select group of VIP bloggers invited to Cub Foods for a special behind the scenes look and tour of one of their biggest and most beautiful grocery stores...(Did I really just call a grocery store beautiful?)
Anyway - their store was pretty sharp if I do say so myself...

I admit...I haven't really been shopping at Cub Foods for the past couple of years except for a few things here and there...They stopped mailing out their coupon books and if you don't stop in the store - you have no way of knowing what sort of values those awesome little books hold...

But one of Cub's new promises...

Lower prices on over 8,000 items - every. day.
That's pretty awesome.

I admit it - I shop for value/price over nutrition...The girls in our house are pretty picky shop for our tastes a lot...

And if you know me - the double coupons that Rainbow offers pretty much make my week - (most of the time...)

I know a ton of people who say that it doesn't pay to clip coupons...those folks have never shopped with me! I'm pretty good at getting FREE yogurt, free pasta, free pasta sauce, free milk, free sandwich meat, free toothpaste and many many other things for free or next to free - a lot of that has to do with putting coupons on top of sale prices and having Rainbow double those...

Sometimes, like today, it doesn't pay to double your coupons. While I was excited about doubling 10 coupons today at Rainbow for a savings of $20.00 on top of the sale took the 187 year old check out lady (and the manager who had to help us out too) over 45 minutes for me to get one bag of items.


Which of course, has me sitting here thinking about why I stopped shopping at Cub in the first place and what it would take for me to start again -

One of the (many) things I learned about on the VIP tour of Cub Foods was the Nutrition IQ System -

You simply look for these signs on the shelf while you are doing your shopping. They're color-coded to point out key nutrition content in qualified items throughout the store. All foods that have a shelf tag are low in saturated fat and, at minimum, meet criteria for healthier sodium claims.

For people like me who look at prices first, nutrition second, (I know. I know...I'm trying to get better at that!) this makes it very easy...And I was happy to see that H & I's favorite cereal (frosted mini wheats) and quaker chewy granola bars (staples in our house) make the cut!

I learned a lot of great stuff by visiting Cub...and they really do have one stop shopping ~ Have they won me over? That's yet to be determined but I am grateful that they invited me to check things out up close and personally, what they have to offer busy, working folks like myself...(I'm also grateful for the delish food they fed us as we toured and the AH-MAZING swag bag!)

If you'd like to be added to Cub Foods email list for their newsletter - simply sign up HERE!


Anonymous said...

You are officially...a nerd. Now, I understand your friendship with Matt. kidding. You are the tops, my friend!


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