~ thoughts that were pretty hard to sum up and put down into words for some reason...when I think about how far things have come in the last two years - friendships made, families helped...it makes my heart well up with pride and my eyes well up with tears...
When Kay asked me to share some thoughts on how the Liz Logelin Foundation and my friendship with Matt has impacted my life...it wasn't easy to narrow it down to something that could be shared...my cup really does runneth over...
My life is forever changed. There is no other way to put it.
The people that I have met are amazing.
Here is a snippet of what I wrote...
Ten days after Liz Logelin passed away, her husband Matt wrote into Cribsheet. He talked of changing diapers and changing priorities. That day would change my life. I spent the next three days crying about what I had learned. (I think a lot of us did!)
Being a mom of a 2 year old and a 1 year old at the time, I was shaken to my very core.
There were comments flying around here and there about what we could do to help this young father who had not only lost the love of his life, but now had a 3 pound baby to take care of.
I had visions of my husband and my 9 pound babies without me..
::insert more crying here::
Another Cribsheeter, Rachel, started a blog dedicated to helping Matt & Madeline, and 1000's of dollars worth of formula checks and diaper coupons started rolling in. Matt had to pay for formula just one time during Maddy's formula days, and that was because he forgot to pack enough for a trip!
It didn't just end with helping with formula...Rachel, and Matt, along with myself and several others, knew that so much more could be done for others in similar situations...and from that...
The Liz Logelin Foundation was born.
I am proud to call Matt my friend. (Don't tell him I said that!) Through him and his wonderful organization, I have met many, many beautiful souls. People that I will be forever thankful to have as friends. Because of him, because of them. They have helped make this big giant not-always-so-friendly-world, just a little bit smaller...because of him, because of them, I am holding my family a little bit tighter and I am not putting off until tomorrow what we can be doing today.
And because of them, together, we are making a difference.
- Darcie Gust
Today, as you go about your hurried day. Please stop and take a moment to *smell the roses* if you will. Hug your loved ones just a little bit tighter.
For Matt.
For Jackie.
For yourself.
Did you write a post about Matt Logelin or the Liz Logelin Foundation? If so, I'd love to see you link it up here with MckLinky!
Please add your post today!
And if you are interested in seeing where it all began via Cribsheet...
You can click here...
and then here...
and then come back and click HERE!
(I sure miss the old Cribsheet days...damn you Star Tribune for changing things up on us!)

forgot to say I was visiting from SITS!
Wow. Having read about Matt makes me grateful to have been able to raise my sons, and that they are raising their kids and have made it with their families intact thusfar.
You have such a big heart!!
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