(we maybe should have been at the hotel building an ark - supposedly Florida has been experiencing some drought conditions? huh. Could have fooled us!)
We didn't want to live by a schedule or an itinerary for our vacation so we let the kids dictate the schedule for the most part - we let them sleep in, ate a little something at our hotel (thanks to Garden Grocer) and then mosied on over to the park for the day -
It worked out marvelously and minutes after arriving at Hollywood Studios were were able to take in the Beauty and the Beast Show...in the 3rd row. Pretty cool.
Later in the day we found ourselves watching the Extreme Stunt Show (in the rain) but it was still pretty darn cool - cars jumping out of buildings, people falling out of buildings, motorcycle stunts...the whole 30ish minute show is an inside look at how big movie stunts are filmed...
See the fire on the back right hand side of this picture? Yeah, that's a person...they showed us how THAT all goes down too. Pretty amazing!
Someone found the extreme stunt show to be pretty cool! In fact, we all did!
This is about the best we get of the two of them in the same frame!
I sort of thought we'd be buying the obligatory Mickey Ears but...neither kid wanted them!
(FYI - My Dad would have LOOOVED this hat - I'm sure of it!)

We spied the World Famous Disney Cupcakes...but on this day...the Cookies won their hearts instead...

Even in the rain those crazy Disney Dancers strutted their stuff and showed just how HAPPY they were to be working at the Happiest Place on Earth...ALWAYS SMILING - ALWAYS FRIENDLY...
We spied the World Famous Disney Cupcakes...but on this day...the Cookies won their hearts instead...
It was here we met a whole slew of characters...well, D and I did - Day 2 had H pretty unimpressed with anything costume related...
But we did SORT OF get her into a shot with Lightning McQueen and Mater...Though I suspect she was just thrilled to get out of the rain and into the garage with them!
(Love love LOOVE this pic of the hubs and H - )
Even in the rain those crazy Disney Dancers strutted their stuff and showed just how HAPPY they were to be working at the Happiest Place on Earth...ALWAYS SMILING - ALWAYS FRIENDLY...
I wonder if the employees go out and just bitch after work at some total dive bar talking about all the idiots they encounter during their days??
woo hoo!! Keep 'em coming!
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