Goodness Gracious Great Balls of....CAKE!

Friday, January 15, 2010

So the other day I put out a request via FACEBOOK for suggestions of what we could bring to daycare for birthday treats that weren't your typical cupcake...

We're new to this bringing your own treat for daycare on your birthday thing - and I wasn't sure what to do...

I was given soo many fantastic suggestions...

But one of the first ones came from my friend Becky, something that her friend Alyssa did...

Alyssa made it sound pretty easy via her blog, and was even nice enough to email me and tell me that yes, even though I don't really know my way around the kitchen (my words not hers) I would be able to pull these off...

So...I tried...

I started with a regular old boxed cake mix that I had at home...

Followed her super easy instructions and made them into balls...(and for those of you cannot use a blender if you do not own a food processer! oops!)

Melted some Wilton Candy Chip Melty Things (not the official name but hey whatever...)
Enlisted my best girl for help...

Enlisted my best guy for taste testing help...

And no joke...after three painstaking hours...

We had a few treats for our friends at daycare...

Not gonna lie...they aren't as pretty as Alyssa's or MckMama's...but while time consuming...because I was unprepared with cluttered countertops and a few extra hands dictating all of the candy coating, among other things...I cannot wait to do these again.

I know I can make them beautiful...well, not Bakerella beautiful, but beautiful all the same...

I am told they were a big hit with the daycare fact, H came home very upset that one little girl helped herself to THREE of them! HA HA!

We were hoping to bust out batch or two for Buddy's 3rd birthday party tomorrow but alas...I had to call on the Target Bakery instead...Getting the flu 10 minutes into date night, having to miss out on Creeps night out with the elusive Matt Logelin and a few other things I didn't exactly plan for....we just found it best...

I don't think they'll be disappointed in our Target choice...

Do you?
Maybe since the World's Greatest Daddy has a birthday next month we can attempt to make these for his birthday? Not sure his work peeps would appreciate these as much as they would a batch of cupcakes but I know a couple of kids that would?


1. Buck said...

Umm, not sure I know the difference between a blender and a food processor. Oy.

But glad Alys could help! I totally want to make these but maybe I'll have to have Alyssa come over when I do and supervise the situation. I can't really be trusted in the kitchen.

I think yours look great AND delicious!

2. The Fritz Facts said...

I love the cake balls, but not sure if I have the patience. I will have to try them at some point though.

I love the treasure map cake! That is a cool idea. Hope today goes well!

3. Alyssa said...

they look great!

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