Both of our kids are 'outdoors' kids...they both love to play in the sandbox or the garden, hunt for snakes, ride bikes, go for walks...pretty much anything outdoors - that's our game...We loooong for summer...shoot, spring even...we'll take it!
It gets dark soo early (around 5 pm) and it's too cold to be outside for longer than 30 seconds at a time...We're climbing the walls around here...all of us...and counting down to spring.
But there is one thing...and pretty much JUST the one thing - that has the same calming effect on our kids as the great outdoors does. The bathtub. I've said it before - I hate our bathtub - it's a big honkin' was meant to be somewhat spa like 20 years ago when the house was built bathtub but in realty, while it's big, it's a pain in the butt...bending over trying to wash the kids' hair, cleaning it, etc etc...
What was I talking about? Oh yeah...I remember now...The calming effect said tub has on our kids...
When they are climbing the walls, whining about nothing, yanking toys out of each other's hands or who knows what the crisis of the moment is...filling up the tubby with some nice warm water and plopping the toddlers in there calms EVERYONE down...
Whether they are playing with rubber duckies or dinosaurs, or making soup with a few old bowls and utensils...It's one chance that we are pretty much guaranteed an hour of peace and quiet...yes, often times an hour - They like to stay in there so long I often have to add hot water to their bath to keep it warm!
That's why I was so excited when Ashley from contacted me and asked if I would be interested in hosting a give away of one of their hundreds of thousands of items they have available...They have a phenomenal selection of bath toys available...
Among my favorites...building blocks for the bathtub, fishing with letters, and finger paints for the tubby complete with stencils! COOL!
I am soo excited to be able to give away one of my favorites to one of my blog readers...
Even if you don't have a little one that could benefit from one of these super cool bath tub toys - you can still enter to win - because wouldn't this make a GREAT gift?

I choose this one because it has soo many great things for littles...Hand eye coordination, color recognition, learning the letters of the alphabet and even spelling words when getting these wet and sticking them to the sides of your bathtub! So many cool things about this toy!
So...whaddya say? Would you like to win this?
Simply leave me a comment...and if you are so inclined ~ tell me YOUR favorite indoors winter activity...For a second entry - go ahead and tweet this give away! (But then you have to come back and leave me a comment that you tweeted it...because I don't know any other way to keep track of the folks to pick a winner!) thanks for playing!
That's it!
I'll select a winner next Monday night - February 8th...Ready...Set...GOOOOOOOOOOO
Well hey, I was just coming by to say "hi" and then found your cute giveaway. As my youngest is a bathtime afficianado, I'll throw my name in the hat. But that said, thanks for the funny comment on my biscuits post :)
That's pretty cute - Joey LOVES bathtime, I'm sure he's really get a kick out of it!
Darcie you are SO CUTE! I wish I could use bathtime as a winter escape.. Cassie loves it but Camryn HATES IT.. she loves getting nekkid, and getting out but the bath itself is pure torture for her!
My kids spent three hours in the bath yesterday. I added hot water to our extra-deep tub so many times that only their heads were above water. You're shocked, right? :D
Sign me up! I tried to comment on the blog but for some reason it wouldn't let me. So if for someone reason, multiple comments show up from me - sorry. :(
I tweeted it. Hope you get lots of comments!
What a cool giveaway. My little one loves bathtime also. One of our favorite indoor activities is play-doh. My daughter loves it & it keeps her occupied for atleast an hour.
Hi Darcie! McKenna LOVES the bath! She would love that toy! Since we live in Cali (not rubbing it in, I swear) we don't really have an issue with only indoor activities. But when it is yucky outside, we play tunnels inside!
I probably shouldn't enter being that I've already done a giveaway with CSN - but what the heck...
Hope it's a fun giveaway for you~
Oh yes, when will my 6 year old *not* want to take a bath, geesh! He's getting way too big for the tub.
I feel the same way about the tub! When we've hit the wall I suggest a bath and mallory starts ripping off her clothes on the way to the bathroom. She even asks for more hot water once it starts to cool off in the tub. Great winter activity.
Mallory loves the bath, too, and I've used it more than once as a playground on these cold days. When I say, "What about a bath?" She jumps up, rips off her clothes and heads for the tub. She even asks for more hot water when it starts to cool down.
My girls love bathtime too and new bath toys are this mom's favortie gift to her kids. They love them more than anything else. Thanks for hosting this!
I shall comment to enter the give-a-way as a way to commemorate the day when I FINALLY, at 35w4d pregnant, got to take a bath myself!! Hopefully this little girl loves bath time as much as I did today!
I would LOVE these!!
The kids love to play Wii in the winter and to be truthful I love it too!!
Baby Goat would love these!
I will post a comment even though I never win anything. Playdough and board games are our fun winter activities
pick me!
My favorite indoor activity lately is making a Snapfish book for 2009, Peter loves watching movies, Charlotte loves bugging him and playing with her babies, and Casey likes working out.
Hope I'm not too late. My favorite stuck-indoors-for-yet-another-snow-day activity with the kids is baking cookies. It helps warm up the house, gives us something to do, and ends the "what's for snack" question for a few hours.
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