Remember when we were going to party like it's 1999?
THAT was one fun millennium party...A friend of a friend organized a huge bash in a cleaned up/converted barn south of the Metro and we had a blast...
In fact, I think I was only there 20 minutes when my dress caught fire! You see, it's winter in Minnesota and I was standing in line for a port a potty...the wind was blowing in the make shift shelter and my 'evening gown' got sucked into the space heater! Thank God I was wearing knee high boots!
- January 2000 - I met the man who would become my hubs...Two weeks later...on Valentine's Day, as I prepared to go out on an 'unValentine's Day' night out with my friends and the new guy...I got a phone call that my dad was found dead of a heart attack. Plans were scrapped and a dear friend drove me the six hours home to be with my Mom. Later that same year our house full of wonderful friends went our separate ways and we each got our own places...the hubs and I moving out on our own together...
- 2001 brought us that terrible day in history now referred to simply as '9-11' and shortly there after had us buying our first (and last?) house.
- 2002 was a job layoff for me and us getting our delightful pup Bosco...
- 2003 A very sick little pup eats away at our savings. My ten year HS reunion. The hubs and I got engaged.

- 2004 I married the love of my life, we celebrated with a honeymoon in Cancun.
- 2005 We would celebrate our first wedding anniversary in Lake Tahoe.
While pregnant with baby #1! Hailey Elizabeth joined us October 4th of that year after an intense 15 hour 'stand off' - And she was worth every second of it.
- 2006 Hails becomes a big sister as Baby #2 joined us with just two days to spare in the year! Derek Robert completed our family making his debut 3.5 weeks early, tipping the scales at 8 pounds 13 ounces with a much less flashy entrance than his big sister!
- 2007 Life was busy with two under two...loving every minute of it... or at least trying to!
- 2008 This is the year that some crazy dude named Matt Logelin would stumble into my life...and with him...some of the greatest women a person could ever meet...
I count my blessings daily because of this man and his daughter...and what they have brought to my world. Life continues to hum along for me...I have some demons to deal with but they are mine and mine alone...
- 2009 Hmmm. Nothing terribly great to report about this year either...Unless you count the official launching of the Liz Logelin Foundation...
A foundation I am proud to be a tiny part of. Volunteering for the LLF has been a learning/growing experience for me and one that reminds me often of just how much I really do have. 2009 also finds me still struggling with letting go & finding myself again...How I got lost along this journey I'm not even sure...but that's what the New Year is for...New Beginnings...Here's to 2010~Happy New Year!
Your decade has been so exciting! Only better things to come, my dear - lots to look forward to!
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