Who would want to miss a special surprise visit by the Jolly Old Guy himself?

The kids were so cute...Santa called up a kid, who then had their sibling hop up too for a perfect photo opp...
So the second kid he called upon happened to be H - who promptly hopped up on Santa's lap while D kept informing him "I'm her brudder! I'm her brudder!"
He wanted to be sure his turn was also RIGHT NOW!

The kids got little gifts from Santa and then got to open bigger gifts from their daycare providers....

The younger girls got princess tents....
And the younger boys Lightning McQueen ones!
A hit to be sure!
The kids even treated us to a special holiday program - complete with choreography! A perk I suppose of having a daycare instructor who is also a dance coach and a member of the performance team for our professional lacrosse team.

A hit to be sure!
The kids even treated us to a special holiday program - complete with choreography! A perk I suppose of having a daycare instructor who is also a dance coach and a member of the performance team for our professional lacrosse team.

My video of course doesn't do it justice! Soo cute!
I wish I'd of taken some secret snap shots of the wonderful food that was served up...but seeing as how we're new there and I don't know any of the other parents and they may or may not know about my obsession with photographs...I refrained...
But the food, the food was SPECTACULAR! There were soo many amazing things to choose from - and all soo delish! They had the kids eat in their usual spots with each other so the adults could visit and enjoy a nice warm meal - what a gift that was!
We offered to bring something...and no wonder she said just our smiles...she put my cooking to shame - not that that's hard to do, but I can see why she didn't want us bringing anything ourselves...We should have dinner there every night!!
It's been a tough few months as we've all adjusted to the changes that we've been making, but I think we're going to make it after all!
Happy Holidays to you and yours!
Happy New Year babe!! So glad the party went well!!
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