Goodness Gracious Great Balls of....

I'll tell you me - they look like dog toys...but when I read about them - I was intrigued.
According to their website you can use little to NO detergents in your laundry when you use these magic balls...there are tons of other advantages too - (did you read them? Go ahead...I'll wait!)
My first thought was...our crusty towels...I swear, we aren't terribly dirty people - but our towels-it seems we are buying new ones every year...ours feel so heavy and um, crunchy? Even after washing and drying them...Tide and Bounce...aren't those supposed to give you cuddly soft towels, bedding, etc? Not around here they don't...
According to what I've read - giving my laundry a few cycles with the complete laundry system and I just might have soft bath towels again...could it be true?
Another thing that really had these things stuck in my head is our little boy. Every winter for all of his life - he suffers from terribly dry and itchy skin. He has a prescription for a cortisone cream but he is so miserable a lot of the time...He scratches until he draws blood: his back, and his backside...and his ankles and behind his knees...
We spend a lot of time trying to lube him up with all sorts of different moisturizing creams, lotions, etc with little success.
Removing chemicals from our laundry certainly couldn't hurt this cause either...
***And, not only did Jen from Mystic Wonders, Inc send me a complimentary Lip Balm - which I IMMEDIATELY fell in love with and will be purchasing multiples of...she also sent some Wonder Goat Milk Soap which I cannot WAIT to try out - because it looks like it might be just what our little guy needs?
ANYWAY - about the balls...
I did lots of googling about these balls and found no bad reviews - everyone was raving about them...
I'll admit that I have been a little bit skeptical - can these really work?
The complete laundry system MUST work for a price tag of 49.95 right? I mean, people would be demanding their money back if they weren't satisfied right?
How long would it take you to recoup your costs if you aren't buying laundry detergent and dryer sheets for every load of laundry you (or in our house - my husband!) do?
We thought about asking for this for Christmas as a family gift - but felt bad asking for something with that price tag...even though it would be a great gift -and one for the whole family....
but then...we'd have to wait a whole 'nother month...and that is IF someone was willing to spend that much on us...
So, I took a chance and contacted the company regarding these fancy little contraptions...and within an hour - I had heard back from them...willing to send me, FOR FREE - a complete laundry system to try out and talk about with you all!!
I. was. ecstatic! I. AM. ecstatic!
You guys...(20 of you! That's two more people who want to come back for more since the whole Christmas card debacle!) This could potentially change your lives forever!!
We have our first loads of laundry in the washer and the dryer as I type this...I cannot WAIT to see the results.
I know it's going to take a little while to get a few loads in of each of our items, but after our towels are washed and dried a half a dozen times, might they be worth using again?
Don't worry - I'll be back to share with you what we think - but what I want to know now is...
What do you think? Would you try this? Are you a skeptic or a believer? Would you pay $50.00 for this set?
Leave me a comment (or shoot me an email!) and let me know what you think...
Is anyone on YOUR Christmas list going to get a complete laundry system?
that sounds cool can't wait to hear about it
this heifer can't get past the fact that the company is based out of HOLSTEIN, ia.
Can't wait to hear the reviews. I might spend the $50 for them if they really truly work, but would rather get them for free. :)
I'd pay $50 if they work....I make our laundry detergent and, dude, if I could get away without having to do it, I'd be SOLD! Let me know!!!!!
Well, you know no one on my list would be getting them since I decided on a handmade Christmas this year. That doesn't mean I am not totally intrigued. I can't wait to hear your end result!
I would use it for a couple of reasons 1) save $$$$ 2) not adding more chemicals to the ground water.
I would say... I am a skeptic and no, I would not try them. Especially in this economy where I am trying to watch every penny. I have little boys. They are dirty. Like poopy and pee'y and snotty and dirty. I need soap!
Also... you MUST try RoBathol for your child. I get mine at Target or Walamrt... its about $15 a bottle... just add a tablspoon to your kids bath at night and you will AMAZED at how well it works for dry skin... it even helped get rid of our childs eczema! (spelling)
Cant wait to see the results!!
Very exciting - good for you for contacting the company! I can't wait to hear the results!
Interesting...I cannot wait to hear more about these.
They look heavy, would they damage my machines?
I probably wouldn't pay the $50 price, maybe if they were $40, funny 50 bucks is crossing into my realm of *too expensive*.
Looking forward to hearing about them or they can send me some too :)
I am intrigued!
did they work? because seriously the PVC's in the dryer balls are not good for you. You need yarn balls for the dryer. I reviewed them here -
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