This year was a little more official and a little more bank was raised for the Liz Logelin Foundation! Hurray for making huge strides!

We all took turns posing with Matt's Famous Robot -

And then got smart and did a group shot!

Some of the gals worked the registration table...
While others let local gossip columnists know who's boss!

I'm not sure WHY - but she had to stand right in front of Matt while he spoke...GEEZ she's obnoxious!
I wish I knew who made these, but someone showed up at the walk with these amazing cookies and handed them out!
My 'family' showed up - I think lil Jeter was as tired as I felt...check out his shades!

I knew if I didn't get the kids' shirts before hand - they wouldn't wear them out there - and I was right...
oh well...
they only wanted to climb this awesome old tree...and quite frankly, who wouldn't!?!

my hubs, my sis-in-law Chris and our fantastic neighbor/friend Betsy... who all did the 5k while I manned water with Jenny D and our kids!

Betsy and Matt -
Betsy and Matt -
Liz's Mom, Awesome Auntie Deb and Maddy ~
The talented Lauren Farmer doing what she does so well - I hope one day to visit NYC and play with Lauren!
After the 5k we were treated to pizza and snacks at The Goodman Home - (Liz's Folks place) ~ this time, I didn't bring the hubs... cuz well, you know...the last time we were here...

After the pool party we headed out to celebrate a creepy baby that will soon be making her appearance in this world...Congrats Katie J!
Where I only stayed a short time and ducked out early before the real fun began...

There ARE pictures floating around...but I'll let others share those...(I had to steal the 3 I used here from Meesh - and I don't want her to beat me down!)

There ARE pictures floating around...but I'll let others share those...(I had to steal the 3 I used here from Meesh - and I don't want her to beat me down!)
besides, isn't Nye's one of those places...?
What happens at Nye's...
What happens at Nye's...
I'd never beat you down! I gots nothin' but mad love for you sexy, creepy friend! <3 :)
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