Wedding of the Year

Friday, September 4, 2009

So some months ago we got a 'save the date' card that told us to save the date for the *Wedding of the Year* ~ Pretty cocky I thought...But the hubs assured me that knowing this was totally all in good fun & wasn't meant to come across as vain...

Well, let me just tell you, wedding of the year it was! We. had. a. blast!

I think I can speak for all of us there that night - this couple put on one helluva party! I could tell you all about it ~ but I think my pictures speak for themselves - of course, deciding which pics of the over 200 pictures I took that night to share here - next to impossible...

Want to know the only thing better than all those pictures? VIDEO! Lord have Mercy - Nothing like video taping people singing to Journey while SINGING YOURSELF, the WRONG WORDS - thank goodness that's on MY camera and no someone else's - at least I hope it's not on anyone else's - though I can only imagine what IS on everyone else's - yikes! was a fun fun fun fun time and I can't WAIT to do this again...only, I think that everyone is married off for now from this crowd of I guess we'll have to have a vow renewal party and seeing as how 3 of us couples were all married in 2004 - I think that's do-able don't you?

The hubs & I entrusted Auntie Christy with our rugrats (THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU AGAIN!) and went out for a much needed date...that started at 2 pm! YAY!

We met up with some friends on a rooftop bar downtown before heading to the wedding locale - and why we don't do this on random Saturdays is beyond was glorious outside!

So we arrived at the wedding carrying our unwrapped wedding gift ~ The hubs insisted we don't wrap it though we did try to find a big obnoxious bow to put on it, we sort of felt it took away from the gift - a floating bobber cooler! It was on the registry and while it seemed like a good idea at the time - we had to order it online, sight unseen. It took me about 45 minutes to fit a 12 pack of bottled beer in there (no ice) so I'm not sure what they are going to use this thing for...a salad bowl maybe?

The Happy Couple!

Doing his impression of the one-armed drummer ~

Not only was the wedding & reception FUN, but they served a TACO BAR for food! When we got married we had only appetizer type food and cheesecakes for our wedding cake - to this day people talk to me about our choices...We didn't want people to push around a $50.00 plate of spinach and eat 3 bites of nasty chicken only to hit the Taco Bell on the way home...
This couple had the same GREAT IDEA of feeding their guests what people really want to eat!

We laughed all night long...

Kudos to Ryan for taking this pic for us...He did a nice job of not only cutting off our heads but almost completely cutting his own wife out of the pic!

A little better...

I'm not naming names here, but SOMEONE found the air conditioning!

The boys..

Some of us had a little more fun than others!

The hubs busted out some moves...and let me tell you, he's got em!

I believe his friends call him 'Robnoxious' on nights like this?

No event is complete without THIS guy ending up on the floor in a dance move or two...

Bon Jovi songs are ALWAYS a hit with the ladies...

And this, this folks is the last shot of the night...for the first time camera went dead at an event...prolly a good thing huh?


1. Maggie May said...

stumbled by and have to say- i love Journey!

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